Wednesday, May 28, 2008

CG Class Scheduled near Greenville NC

I will be going to Greenville NC to teach a class for the Eastern Chapter of NCSS. Below is the announcement. There is one thing to note. This class may (or may not) be using the Intellicad version of CG Survey.

The newest version (the one built on the Intellicad engine) has not yet been released. If it is not released in the next several days, I many not be prepared to teach the class using that product. Also a possibility, we may not be able to get the lab set up and ready to use that product.

Either way, I'm sure this will be a good class. Also note that this class is limited to Eastern Chapter members only until June 4th. After that, get in touch with Bryant Hardison (252) 943-8185.

Larry P


Eastern Chapter

North Carolina Society of Surveyors


C & G Software training seminar at Pitt Community College in Greenville, NC

Introduction to using C & G Software for Windows, Intellicad version

When: June 26 and 27 – Basic Beginner user in C & G software. Larry Phipps - Instructor

Where: Pitt Community College on Hwy 11 South of Greenville, NC

Time: Thursday & Friday - 8:00 am – 5:00 PM (with a hour lunch break)

Cost: $ 250.00 for the course. (Same student both days)

Description: Introduction with hands on the computer with C & G software. After these two days you can produce a map with your software. You will also pick up shortcuts and helps for the novice CAD user. The price includes both days and breaks are provided with refreshments. Continuing Education credits given for this class (90% attendance required).

Required: Must be 18. Must pay for course by June 23. Limited to 15 seats. First come – first served.


Advanced C & G Software Users

When: June 28 – Advanced User in C & G software. Larry Phipps - Instructor

Where: Pitt Community College on Hwy 11 South of Greenville, NC

Time: Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 PM (with a hour lunch break)

Cost: $ 150.00 per student.

Description: Advanced instruction with hands on the computer with C & G software. Topics will cover Insert Blocks and tricks, Network Lease Square Adjustments, Photo importing, 3D viewer, Topographic routines, profiles, etc. You will also pick up shortcuts and other helps for the working user. The price includes breaks provided with refreshments. Continuing Education credits given for this class (90% attendance required).

Required: Must be 18. Must pay for course by June 23. Limited to 15 seats. First come – first served.

Contact: Bryant Hardison (252) 943-8185 or complete registration attached and send to 42 South Teach’s Point, Bath, NC 27808. Checks should be made to Eastern Chapter of NCSS.

Name: ________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________

Town: ________________________________________________________

State: ________ Zip Code: ____________ Ph# : _________________________

Course attending: Beginning: ______; Fee: $ 250.00 Advanced: ______; Fee: $ 150.00

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