Saturday, July 12, 2008

File Save dialog box problem

I had a call from a friend with a problem. The problem was the file save (or saveas) dialog box wouldn't come up as it should.

We've all seen what happens when you save a file.

The Save Drawing As box opens so you can specify the data path and file name.

Like this:

My friend was seeing this in the command line rather than the dialog box:

Now I'm not going to pretend I instantly had the answer for this problem. I didn't. In fact, I'd never seen this problem before. But I was able to find out how to fix the problem.

My friend's computer had a system variable that had been reset. (We aren't sure exactly how or why. It probably happened when the system crashed.)

If you have this problem you can fix it. Type filedia in the command line.

When prompted, specify a new value. 0 = all actions happen in the command line, no dialog box opens. 1 = Save As Dialog box appears.

Larry P

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